  title = {Modeling the Invisible Internet}, 
  author = {Jacques Bou Abdo and Liaquat Hossain}, 
  booktitle = {Complex Networks and their Applications XII}, 
  year = {2024}, 
  month = {February}, 
  publisher = {Springer}, 
  url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-53472-0_30}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Foundations of Rigorous Cyber Experimentation}, 
  author = {Michael Stickland and Justin D. Li and Laura Swiler and Thomas Tarman}, 
  institution = {Sandia National Laboratories}, 
  year = {2021}, 
  month = {September}, 
  url = {https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1854751/}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Research and implementation of bridge technology in I2P anonymous system}, 
  author = {Yu Chih-Wei}, 
  school = {Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications}, 
  year = {2021}, 
  url = {https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-degree-domestic_mphd_thesis/020318030805.html},
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 

  title = {Analysis and Identification of I2P Anonymous Communication Traffic
  author = {QU Yun-xuan and WANG Yi-jun and XUE Zhi}, 
  journal = {Communications Technology}, 
  volume = {53}, 
  number = {1}, 
  year = {2020}, 
  month = {January}, 
  pages = {161--167}, 
  doi = {10.3969/j.issn.1002-0802.2020.01.028}, 
  url = {http://stats.i2p/docs/AII2PACTC-eng.docx}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://stats.i2p/docs/I2P%20%E5%8C%BF%E5%90%8D%E9%80%9A%E4%BF%A1%E6%B5%81%E9%87%8F%E7%89%B9%E5%BE%81%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%E4%B8%8E%E8%AF%86%E5%88%AB-min.pdf},
  keywords = {anonymous communication; I2P; traffic identification; statistical feature
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Measuring I2P Censorship at a Global Scale}, 
  author = {Nguyen Phong Hoang and Sadie Doreen and Michalis Polychronakis}, 
  booktitle = {9th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI
  year = {2019}, 
  month = {August}, 
  address = {Santa Clara, CA}, 
  publisher = {USENIX Association}, 
  url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/foci19/presentation/hoang}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.usenix.org/system/files/foci19-paper_hoang.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {A Transparent Implementation Of The Signature In Scheme EdDSA}, 
  author = {Losev, V. I.}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Heuristic Algorithms and Distributed Computing}, 
  year = {2015}, 
  pages = {49--56}, 
  www_section = {Formal methods}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://archive.org/download/HeuristicAlgorithmsAndDistributedComputing2015/tom2-nom4.pdf},

  title = {Invisible Internet Project(Report)}, 
  author = {de Boer, Tim and Breider, Vincent}, 
  school = {University of Amsterdam}, 
  year = {2019}, 
  month = {February}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://delaat.net/rp/2018-2019/p63/report.pdf}, 

  title = {Invisible Internet Project(Presentation)}, 
  author = {de Boer, Tim and Breider, Vincent}, 
  school = {University of Amsterdam}, 
  year = {2019}, 
  month = {February}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://delaat.net/rp/2018-2019/p63/presentation.pdf}, 

  title = {Weaving the dark web: Legitimacy on Freenet, Tor, and I2P}, 
  author = {Gehl, Robert W.}, 
  year = {2018}, 
  howpublished = {The MIT Press}, 
  note = {ISBN: 9780262038263}, 
  www_section = {Misc}, 
  place = {Cambridge, MA}, 
  www_html_url = {https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/weaving-dark-web}, 

  title = {Blockchain-based Sybil Attack Mitigation: A Case Study of the I2P Network}, 
  author = {Alachkar, Kotaiba and Gaastra, Dirk}, 
  school = {University of Amsterdam}, 
  year = {2018}, 
  month = {June}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://docslib.org/doc/12313748/blockchain-based-sybil-attack-mitigation-a-case-study-of-the-i2p},

  title = {Deciding Your Own Anonymity: User-Oriented Node Selection in I2P}, 
  author = {L. Ye and X. Yu and J. Zhao and D. Zhan and X. Du and M. Guizani}, 
  journal = {IEEE Access}, 
  volume = {6}, 
  number = {}, 
  year = {2018}, 
  month = {November}, 
  pages = {71350--71359}, 
  doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881719}, 
  abstract = {With the development of Internet applications, anonymous communication
        technology plays a very significant role in protecting personal privacy. As one
        of the most popular anonymous communication systems, I2P provides strong
        anonymity through its encryption and communication schemes. However, I2P does not
        consider the users' preferences, which is difficult to meet the individual
        demands of specific users and then allows them to decide their anonymity. Thus,
        this paper proposes two novel user-oriented node selection algorithms that can
        effectively enhance the anonymity or reduce the communication delay over the I2P
        network. In order to choose proper nodes, we also investigate key factors to
        evaluate the nodes. Then, the basic node selection algorithm (BNSA) is proposed
        to group routing nodes and provide high-performance node candidates. Based on
        BNSA, the geographic-diversity-oriented node selection algorithm (GDNSA) and the
        communication-delay-oriented node selection algorithm (CDNSA) are proposed. These
        can improve the anonymity or communication performance of the I2P network. The
        GDNSA increases the attack difficulty by establishing tunnels that span multiple
        regions. In the meantime, the CDNSA reduces the communication delay of the tunnel
        by selecting the next hop node with the lowest communication delay. Finally, the
        mathematical analysis and experimental results show that the GDNSA has good
        resistance to collusion attacks, and the CDNSA reduces the communication delay in
        spite of weakening a little anonymity}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8537903}, 
  keywords = {Peer-to-peer computing;Delays;Routing;Relays;Logic gates;Security;Anonymous
        communication;node selection;geographic diversity;communication delay;I2P}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  issn = {2169-3536}, 

  title = {Interconnection between darknets}, 
  author = {L. Ye and X. Yu and J. Zhao and D. Zhan and X. Du and M. Guizani}, 
  volume = {1}, 
  year = {2020}, 
  month = {December}, 
  doi = {10.1109/MIC.2020.3037723}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.05003}, 
  keywords = {Tor, i2p, Darknet, Graph Analysis, Dataset}, 
  abstract = {Tor and i2p networks are two of the most popular darknets. Both darknets have
        become an area of illegal activities highlighting the necessity to study and
        analyze them to identify and report illegal content to Law Enforcement Agencies
        (LEAs). This paper analyzes the connections between the Tor network and the i2p
        network. We created the first dataset that combines information from Tor and i2p
        networks. The dataset contains more than 49k darknet services. The process of
        building and analyzing the dataset shows that it is not possible to explore one
        of the networks without considering the other. Both networks work as an ecosystem
        and there are clear paths between them. Using graph analysis, we also identified
        the most relevant domains, the prominent types of services in each network, and
        their relations. Findings are relevant to LEAs and researchers aiming to crawl
        and investigate i2p and Tor networks.}, 
  issn = {2169-3536}, 

  title = {Risk Assessment for I2P With an Enhanced Outproxy Design}, 
  author = {Smits, Dolf}, 
  school = {Leiden University}, 
  year = {2018}, 
  month = {January}, 
  url = {https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/64566}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/64566/Smits_D_2018_CS.pdf?sequence=2},

  title = {An Empirical Study of the I2P Anonymity Network and its Censorship Resistance}, 
  author = {Nguyen, Phong Hoang and Kintis, Panagiotis and Antonakakis, Manos and
        Polychronakis, Michalis}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 2018 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '18)}, 
  year = {2018}, 
  month = {October}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nguyen_Phong_Hoang/publication/327445307},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Analysis of Multilayer-Encryption Anonymity Networks}, 
  author = {Khalid Shahbar}, 
  institution = {Dalhousie University}, 
  year = {2017}, 
  month = {October}, 
  abstract = {{This thesis studies and analyzes multilayer-encryption anonymity networks.
        Traffic flow analysis is employed to identify multilayer-encryption anonymity
        networks. The analysis includes collecting data from the three most popular
        anonymity networks (namely, Tor, JonDonym and I2P). The collected data (Anon17)
        is made publicly available for researchers on the field. The study also includes
        proposing weighted factors to quantify and measure the level of anonymity these
        networks could provide.}}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/bitstream/handle/10222/73395/Shahbar-Khalid-PhD-CS-Oct-2017.pdf},

  title = {Anon17: Network Traffic Dataset of Anonymity Services}, 
  author = {Shahbar, Khalid and Zincir-Heywood, A. Nur}, 
  institution = {Dalhousie University}, 
  year = {2017}, 
  month = {March}, 
  abstract = {{One of the difficulties that face researchers on the anonymity networks
        field is the lack of anonymity dataset. Researchers need to collect their data to
        conduct a research or to use a simulated environment to collect the data they
        need. The lack of such a dataset is due to the nature of the anonymity networks.
        These anonymity networks aim to provide certain level of privacy for the users.
        In this paper, we present Anon17, a traffic flow dataset of different anonymity
        services. Anon17 specifically contains data collected from three anonymity
        networks; Tor, JonDonym, and I2P.}}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.cs.dal.ca/sites/default/files/technical_reports/cs-2017-03.pdf},
  keywords = {Dataset ; Tor ; I2P ; JonDonym ; Traffic Flow ; Anonymity}, 

  title = {The Dark side of I2P, a forensic analysis case study}, 
  author = {Bazli, Wilson and Hurst}, 
  journal = {System Science & Control Engeneering}, 
  volume = {2017}, 
  number = {5}, 
  year = {2017}, 
  month = {June}, 
  pages = {278--286}, 
  doi = {10.1080/21642583.2017.1331770}, 
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/21642583.2017.1331770}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Weighted Factors for Measuring Anonymity Services: A Case Study on Tor,
        JonDonym, and I2P}, 
  author = {Shahbar, Khalid and Zincir-Heywood, A. Nur}, 
  institution = {Dalhousie University}, 
  year = {2017}, 
  month = {January}, 
  abstract = {{There are many systems that provide anonymity service for the users. Most of
        these systems work on the separation between the users' identity and the final
        destination. The level of anonymity these services provide affected by several
        factors. Some of these factors are related to the design of the anonymity service
        itself. Others are related to how the system is used or what is the
        application/purpose the user wants to run over the anonymity service. In this
        paper we: (i) propose five factors that aim to measure the anonymity level from
        the user's perspective; (ii) evaluate these factors on three anonymity services,
        namely Tor, JonDonym, and I2P as case studies; and (iii) present a mechanism to
        evaluate anonymity services based on our factors and measure the level of
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://cdn.dal.ca/content/dam/dalhousie/pdf/faculty/computerscience/technical-reports/CS-2017-01.pdf},
  keywords = {Anonymity Factors ; Metrics ; Tor ; I2P ; JonDonym}, 

  title = {Effects of Shared Bandwidth on Anonymity of the I2P Network Users}, 
  author = {Khalid Shahbar and A. Nur Zincir-Heywood}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops,
        2nd International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC
  year = {2017}, 
  month = {May}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321999503_Effects_of_Shared_Bandwidth_on_Anonymity_of_the_I2P_Network_Users},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Forensic analysis of I2P activities}, 
  author = {Wilson, Maxim and Bazli, Behnam}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 22nd International Conference on Automation and
        Computing (ICAC)}, 
  year = {2016}, 
  month = {September}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 

  title = {A Longitudinal Analysis of .i2p Leakage in the Public DNS Infrastructure}, 
  author = {Seong Hoon Jeong and Ah Reum Kang and Joongheon Kim and Huy Kang Kim2 and Aziz
  booktitle = {SIGCOMM 2016 August 22-26, Florianopolis, Brazil}, 
  year = {2016}, 
  month = {August}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.cs.ucf.edu/~mohaisen/doc/sigcomm16.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 

  title = {Analysis of the I2P Network - Information Gathering and Attack Evaluations}, 
  author = {Jens M{\"u}ller}, 
  school = {Bern University of Applied Sciences}, 
  year = {2016}, 
  month = {June}, 
  type = {Bachelors Thesis}, 
  note = {Title : Analysis of the I2P Network. School: Bern University of Applied Sciences
        - Department of Computer Science}, 
  abstract = {{This thesis consists of three main parts, one giving an introduction to I2P,
        the Invisible Internet Project, one that presents I2P Observer, a software to
        collect information about I2P and one that evaluates different attack
        possibilities on I2P.}}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://docslib.org/doc/6144412/analysis-of-the-i2p-network-information-gathering-and-attack-evaluations},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Anonymity networks and the fragile cyber ecosystem}, 
  author = {Haughey, Hamish and Epiphaniou, Gregory and Al-Khateeb, Haider M.}, 
  journal = {Network Security}, 
  volume = {2016}, 
  number = {3}, 
  year = {2016}, 
  month = {March}, 
  pages = {10--18}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {TOR vs I2P: A Comparative Study}, 
  author = {Ali, Afzaal and Khan, Maria and Saddique, Muhammad and Pirzada, Umar and
        Zohaib, Muhammad and Ahmad, Imran and Debnath, Narayan}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
        Technology (ICIT)}, 
  year = {2016}, 
  month = {March}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {I2P - The Invisible Internet Project}, 
  author = {Astolfi, Felipe and Kroese, Jelger and {Van Oorschot}, Jeroen}, 
  institution = {Media Technology, Leiden University}, 
  year = {2015}, 
  type = {Web Technology Report}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://staas.home.xs4all.nl/t/swtr/documents/wt2015_i2p.pdf}, 

  title = {Performance Improvement in I2P using SSL}, 
  author = {Vashi, Dipal and Khilari, Girish}, 
  journal = {International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research}, 
  volume = {4}, 
  number = {5}, 
  year = {2015}, 
  month = {May}, 
  pages = {1454--1456}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://ijsetr.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/IJSETR-VOL-4-ISSUE-5-1454-1456.pdf},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Defending Eclipse Attack in I2P using Structured Overlay Network}, 
  author = {Vhora, Hasib and Khilari, Girish}, 
  journal = {International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research}, 
  volume = {4}, 
  number = {5}, 
  year = {2015}, 
  month = {May}, 
  pages = {1515--1518}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://ijsetr.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/IJSETR-VOL-4-ISSUE-5-1515-1518.pdf},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {{Evaluation of the Anonymous I2P Network's Design Choices Against Performance
        and Security}}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, Juan Pablo and Cholez, Thibault and Chrisment, Isabelle and Festor,
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems
        Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2015)}}, 
  organization = {{SciTePress}}, 
  year = {2015}, 
  month = {February}, 
  address = {Angers, France}, 
  pages = {46--55}, 
  hal_id = {hal-01238453}, 
  doi = {10.5220/0005226600460055}, 
  url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01238453}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01238453/file/I2P-design-vs-performance-security.pdf},
  keywords = {I2P ; security ; DHT}, 
  hal_version = {v1}, 

  title = {Anonymous Communications: A survey on I2P}, 
  author = {Tchabe, Gildas Nya and Xu, Yinhua}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  howpublished = {CDC Publication}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Group_CDC/Documents/Lehre/SS13/Seminar/CPS/cps2014_submission_4.pdf},

  title = {A Survey on I2P Crypto Mechanism}, 
  author = {Vashi, Dipal and Khilari, Girish}, 
  journal = {International Journal of Engineering Development and Research}, 
  volume = {3}, 
  number = {1}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  pages = {99--102}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.ijedr.org/papers/IJEDR1501021.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {A Comprehensive Behavior Analysis of TOR versus I2P}, 
  author = {Karthigeyan, A. and {Robinson Joel}, M. and Manikandan, S. P. and {Raja Guru},
        P. and Raman, Sri}, 
  journal = {International Journal of Applied Engineering Research}, 
  volume = {9}, 
  number = {20}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  pages = {7333--7345}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Empirical Measurement and Analysis of I2P Routers}, 
  author = {Peipeng Liu et al}, 
  journal = {Journal of Networks}, 
  volume = {9}, 
  number = {9}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  month = {September}, 
  pages = {2269--2278}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3e5f/2b136df32beef1281b6b2f206093806c57f6.pdf},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {A Survey on Tor and I2P}, 
  author = {Bernd Conrad and Fatemeh Shirazi}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and
        Protection (ICIMP 2014)}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {/_static/pdf/icimp_2014_1_40_30015.pdf}, 
  keywords = {Tor; I2P; low latency anonymous communication networks}, 
  abstract = {{This paper gives a short introduction and a comparison on two low-latency
        anonymous communication networks. The main part features a review of the low
        latency anonymous communication networks, namely, The Onion Routing (Tor) and the
        Invisible Internet Project (I2P). An introduction to their overall structure is
        given, followed by a detailed description of the core parts of both networks.
        Furthermore, a comparison of both will feature important aspects like node
        selection, performance and scalability. The detailed description and comparison
        of the two systems show that determining which system to use highly depends on
        the field of application, since each system has its strength and weaknesses in
        specific areas.}}, 

  title = {Group-Based Characterization for the I2P Anonymous File-Sharing Environment}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, J.P. and Chrisment, I and Festor, O.}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on New Technologies,
        Mobility and Security (NTMS)}, 
  year = {2014}, 
  month = {March}, 
  pages = {1--5}, 
  doi = {10.1109/NTMS.2014.6814020}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  abstract = {{The I2P network provides an abstraction layer allowing two parties to
        communicate in an anonymous manner. This network is optimised for anonymous web
        hosting and anonymous file-sharing. I2P's file- sharing community is highly
        active where users deploy their file-sharing applications on top of the network.
        I2P uses a variation of Onion routing, thus assuring the unlinkability between a
        user and its file-sharing application. In this paper, we take the first step
        towards the linkability of users and applications in the I2P network. We conduct
        a group-based characterisation, where we determine to what extent a group of
        users is responsible for the overall I2P's file-sharing activity. We used
        Pearson's coefficient to correlate users from two cities and the most used
        anonymous file-sharing application. We determine that two cities explain more
        than a third of all file-sharing activity within the I2P network.}}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00986228/file/NTMS_Paper.pdf}, 
  keywords = {Internet;data privacy;groupware;peer-to-peer computing;I2P anonymous
        file-sharing environment;I2P network;Invisible Internet Project;Onion
        routing;Pearsons coefficient;abstraction layer;anonymous Web hosting;anonymous
        file-sharing application;file-sharing activity;group-based
        characterisation;user-application linkability;Cities and
        towns;Correlation;Distributed databases;IP networks;Internet;Monitoring;Privacy}, 

  title = {Practical Attacks Against the I2P Network}, 
  author = {Christoph Egger and Johannes Schlumberger and Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Research in Attacks,
        Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2013)}, 
  year = {2013}, 
  month = {October}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://wwwcip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~spjsschl/i2p.pdf}, 
  www_tags = {selected}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Towards Measurement on the I2P Network}, 
  author = {Xue Bin Wang and Pei Peng Liu and Cheng Long Li and Qing Feng Tan}, 
  journal = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, 
  volume = {427--429}, 
  year = {2013}, 
  month = {September}, 
  pages = {2223--2228}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {{Improving Content Availability in the I2P Anonymous File-Sharing Environment}}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, Juan Pablo and Chrisment, Isabelle and Festor, Olivier}, 
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and
  volume = {4}, 
  year = {2012}, 
  month = {December}, 
  address = {Melbourne, Australia}, 
  pages = {77--92}, 
  publisher = {Springer}, 
  hal_id = {hal-00744922}, 
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-35362-8}, 
  language = {English}, 
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744922}, 
  abstract = {{Anonymous communication has gained more and more interest from Internet
        users as privacy and anonymity problems have emerged. Dedicated anonymous
        networks such as Freenet and I2P allow anonymous file-sharing among users.
        However, one major problem with anonymous file-sharing networks is that the
        available content is highly reduced, mostly with outdated files, and
        non-anonymous networks, such as the BitTorrent network, are still the major
        source of content: we show that in a 30-days period, 21648 new torrents were
        introduced in the BitTorrent community, whilst only 236 were introduced in the
        anonymous I2P network, for four different categories of content. Therefore, how
        can a user of these anonymous networks access this varied and non-anonymous
        content without compromising its anonymity? In this paper, we improve content
        availability in an anonymous environment by proposing the first internetwork
        model allowing anonymous users to access and share content in large public
        communities while remaining anonymous. We show that our approach can efficiently
        interconnect I2P users and public BitTorrent swarms without affecting their
        anonymity nor their performance. Our model is fully implemented and freely
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  affiliation = {MADYNES - INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA}, 
  audience = {international}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744922/PDF/Improving\_Content\_Availability\_in\_the\_I2P\_0AAnonymous\_File-Sharing\_Environment\_0A.pdf},

  title = {{A Bird's Eye View on the I2P Anonymous File-sharing Environment}}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, Juan Pablo and Chrisment, Isabelle and Festor, Olivier}, 
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Network and System
  year = {2012}, 
  month = {November}, 
  address = {Wu Yi Shan, China}, 
  hal_id = {hal-00744919}, 
  language = {English}, 
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744919}, 
  abstract = {{Anonymous communications have been gaining more and more interest from
        Internet users as privacy and anonymity problems have emerged. Among anonymous
        enabled services, anonymous file-sharing is one of the most active one and is
        increasingly growing. Large scale monitoring on these systems allows us to grasp
        how they behave, which type of data is shared among users, the overall behaviour
        in the system. But does large scale monitoring jeopardize the system anonymity?
        In this work we present the first large scale monitoring architecture and
        experiments on the I2P network, a low-latency message-oriented anonymous network.
        We characterize the file-sharing environment within I2P, and evaluate if this
        monitoring affects the anonymity provided by the network. We show that most
        activities within the network are file-sharing oriented, along with anonymous
        web-hosting. We assess the wide geographical location of nodes and network
        popularity. We also demonstrate that group-based profiling is feasible on this
        particular network.}}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  affiliation = {MADYNES - INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA}, 
  audience = {international}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744919/PDF/A\_Birda\_s\_Eye\_View\_on\_the\_I2P\_Anonymous\_0AFile-sharing\_Environment\_0A.pdf},
  keywords = {Large scale monitoring, I2P, Security risks, Anonymous file-sharing}, 

  title = {A survey on solutions and main free tools for privacy enhancing Web
  author = {A Ruiz-Mart{\'i}nez}, 
  journal = {Journal of Network and Computer Applications}, 
  volume = {35}, 
  number = {5}, 
  year = {2012}, 
  month = {September}, 
  pages = {1473--1492}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/Ruiz-Martinez_2012.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 

  title = {{I2P's Usage Characterization}}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, Juan Pablo and Chrisment, Isabelle and Festor, Olivier}, 
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and
        Analysis (TMA 2012)}}, 
  year = {2012}, 
  month = {March}, 
  address = {Vienne, Austria}, 
  hal_id = {hal-00744902}, 
  language = {English}, 
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744902}, 
  abstract = {{We present the first monitoring study aiming to characterize the usage of
        the I2P network, a low-latency anonymous network based on garlic routing. We
        design a distributed monitoring architecture for the I2P network and show through
        three one-week measurement experiments the ability of the system to identify a
        significant number of all running applications, among web servers and
        file-sharing clients. Additionally, we identify 37\% of published I2P
        applications, which turn out to be unreachable after their publication on the I2P
        distributed database.}}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  affiliation = {MADYNES - INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA}, 
  audience = {international}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00744902/PDF/TMA2012-LNCS.pdf}, 

  title = {I2P Usability vs. Tor Usability A Bandwidth and Latency Comparison}, 
  author = {Mathias Ehlert}, 
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {November}, 
  howpublished = {Seminar, Humboldt University of Berlin}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/ehlert2011:usability-comparison-i2p-tor.pdf},

  title = {{Monitoring the I2P network}}, 
  author = {Timpanaro, Juan Pablo and Chrisment, Isabelle and Festor, Olivier}, 
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {October}, 
  howpublished = {Preprint}, 
  hal_id = {inria-00632259}, 
  language = {English}, 
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00632259}, 
  abstract = {{We present the first monitoring study aiming to characterize the usage of
        the I2P network, a low-latency anonymous network based on garlic routing. We
        design a distributed monitoring architecture for the I2P network and we show
        through a one week long experiment that we are able to identify 32\% of all
        running applications, among web servers and file- sharing clients. Additionally,
        we identify 37\% of published I2P applications, which turn out to be unreachable
        after its publication on the I2P distributed database.}}, 
  affiliation = {MADYNES - INRIA Lorraine - LORIA}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00632259/PDF/TMA2012-LNCS.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Privacy Implications of Performance-Based Peer Selection by Onion Routers: A
        Real-World Case Study using I2P}, 
  author = {Michael Herrmann and Christian Grothoff}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {July}, 
  location = {Waterloo, Canada}, 
  www_tags = {selected}, 
  www_pdf_url = {http://freehaven.net/anonbib/papers/pets2011/p9-herrmann.pdf}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Privacy-Implications of Performance-Based Peer Selection by Onion-Routers: A
        Real-World Case Study using I2P}, 
  author = {Michael Hermann}, 
  school = {TU-Munich}, 
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {March}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://gnunet.org/sites/default/files/herrmann2011mt.pdf}, 

  title = {I2P Data Communication System}, 
  author = {Bassam Zantout and Ramzi Haraty}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ICN 2011, The Tenth International Conference on Networks}, 
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {January}, 
  location = {St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles}, 
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {Darknets and hidden servers: Identifying the true IP/network identity of I2P
        service hosts}, 
  author = {Adrian Crenshaw}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Black Hat 2011}, 
  year = {2011}, 
  month = {January}, 
  location = {Washington, DC}, 
  url = {http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/darknets-i2p-identifying-hidden-servers},
  www_pdf_url = {http://www.irongeek.com/downloads/Identifying%20the%20true%20IP%20of%20I2P%20service%20hosts.pdf},
  www_section = {Traffic analysis}, 

  title = {L'{\'e}mergence au sein d'internet de communaut{\'e}s virtuelles et anonymes,
        Freenet et i2p}, 
  author = {Laurie Delmer}, 
  school = {Universit{\'e} catholique de Louvain - D{\'e}partement des sciences politiques
        et sociales}, 
  year = {2009}, 
  note = {Title : The rise in internet virtual and anonymous communities, Freenet and I2P.
        School: Catholic University of Leuven - Department of Political and Social
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 

  title = {Usability Inspection of Anonymity Networks}, 
  author = {Abou-Tair, D.e.I. and Pimenidis, L. and Schomburg, J. and Westermann, B.}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the World Congress on Privacy, Security, Trust and the
        Management of e-Business (CONGRESS '09)}, 
  year = {2009}, 
  month = {August}, 
  pages = {100--109}, 
  doi = {10.1109/CONGRESS.2009.38}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  abstract = {{Today, to be monitored while surfing the web seems to be a natural act and
        thus tools and applications to achieve online anonymity are more important than
        ever. The usability of such a tool plays not only a prominent role for each
        single user; in the area of anonymization networks it usually holds that the
        protection for every single user is higher, the more users participate. Hence,
        usability is of great importance, since bad usability decreases the number of
        potential users. In this paper we examine the usability of four software
        implementations for anonymous communication techniques especially with regards to
        the installation procedure. The usability is evaluated with the help of cognitive
        walk-throughs. We also inspect the quality of service of these implementations by
        means of a performance test.}}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224084986_Usability_Inspection_of_Anonymity_Networks},
  keywords = {Internet;security of data;anonymity networks;anonymization networks;anonymous
        communication techniques;cognitive walk-throughs;installation;quality of
        service;software implementations;usability inspection;Communication system
        security;Inspection;Monitoring;Operating systems;Privacy;Quality
        management;Quality of service;System testing;Technology

  title = {Anonymity Techniques - Usability Tests of Major Anonymity Networks}, 
  author = {Jens Schomburg}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of PET-CON 2009.1}, 
  year = {2009}, 
  month = {March}, 
  location = {Dresden, Germany}, 
  pages = {49--58}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {https://people.torproject.org/~karsten/petcon-proceedings-2009.1.pdf}, 

  title = {Peer Profiling and Selection in the I2P Anonymous Network}, 
  author = {zzz (Pseudonym) and Lars Schimmer}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of PET-CON 2009.1}, 
  year = {2009}, 
  month = {March}, 
  location = {Dresden, Germany}, 
  pages = {59--70}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {/_static/pdf/I2P-PET-CON-2009.1.pdf}, 

  title = {Invisible Internet Project (I2P) Project Overview}, 
  author = {jrandom (Pseudonym)}, 
  year = {2003}, 
  month = {August}, 
  howpublished = {Design document}, 
  www_tags = {tech-report}, 
  www_section = {Anonymous communication}, 
  www_pdf_url = {/_static/pdf/i2p_philosophy.pdf}, 